Our three year old children are curious and love to learn about the world around them. The GARDEN-THEMED classroom is open to the outside world through the glass paneled walls. This allows the children to watch as the seasons change. They have a wide variety of options during play time including dress-ups and baby dolls, blocks and duplos, magnets and other building materials. They learn to recognize their names and enjoy "hands on" learning. Our goal in this classroom is to help prepare them for preschool. There is a bathroom attached to allow the children to use it with assistance. 

The children play outside daily (weather permitting) in our two large yards. Each yard is equipped with large sandboxes, large trees to provide shady areas, trikes, basketball hoops, and so much more! Our back yard also has a "big-toy", a music station, and a lovely deck under a large shady tree. 

Our 3's curriculum uses on hands-on or play-based learning:

      • Language and literacy skills are encouraged in many ways including a print-rich classroom, story time, songs/rhymes, and pretend play.
      • Our daily play-based learning provides exposure to math concepts such as heavy and light, how many, solving puzzles, sorting, etc.
      • Both indoors and outdoors, we provide multiple opportunities for our students to be the natural scientists they are and explore using a variety of materials and tools.
      • We include creative arts in our program to provide a range of activities for children to express themselves.
      • During daily play and activities children learn positive social/emotional skills. While our teachers model appropriate social emotional skills they also provide children with the words to express their emotions and allow opportunities for children to demonstrate independence.
      • Gross and fine motor skills are practiced daily by object manipulation, tracing, jumping, kicking a ball, etc.
      • Learning activities are based around weekly themes, such as "All About Me" or "Farm". Free play based learning is a very important part of each child's day.  



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